About Pilates
Pilates is an exercise system designed to increase flexibility and strength for the body without building bulk. Pilates is a safe and stimulating workout for men and women of all ages. Its protective of the joints and all the exercises stay in the frame of the body. It will help the stiff to become flexible. It will help the supple individual get more control. Overall, it is a great way to achieve health.
Joseph Pilates developed an exercise system for Health & Longevity. He believed that good circulation and oxygenation of the blood was the key to good health. He once remarked: "blood should flow through the body like a river not a stagnant stream." He created a system of 500 exercises utilizing spring resistant apparatus as well as exercises using your own body's resistance, He thought it more beneficial to not exhaust the muscle, but rather engage all the muscle groups in a wide variety of movements; doing only a few repetitions of each exercise. This approach leaves the body refreshed and energized at the end of a session rather than depleted.